Jun 2, 2019

Horoscope: The Battle of Culloden 1746

The Battle of Culloden, David Morier; public domain; https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Battle_of_Culloden.jpg

Now that I've reached the end of Outlander season 2 on Netflix and retaining my preference for glancing at Historical Horoscopes, it's impossible to resist looking at the Battle of Culloden Horoscope (shown below) and the Natal Chart of wanna-be-king Charles Edward Stuart (chart linked, below) to see what planetary connections might exist. As you know, the defeat at Culloden Moor marked both the end of the Jacobite Uprising to restore a Catholic monarch to the throne and the end of the Highlander way of life, and it remains the last battle fought on British soil.

If you wish, check out Two Men in a Trench as they excavate the battlefield at Culloden (48-mins, almost as long as the battle itself).

And for the astro-curious, biographical details concerning the life of Prince Charles Stuart are available along with a view of his RR: B natal horoscope (Sun 10Cap17, Moon 12AQ08, ASC 16Can34). During the exile of his parents, Charles was born in Rome, Italy on December 20, 1720 (OS) at 5:04 pm/December 31, 1720 (NS) and was the grandson of King James II. As an adult, 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' spoke several languages, was tall, goodlooking, and sported a red beard. Raising an army to fight for his father's lost throne, Charles was only 24 yo in 1745 when his valiant campaign began. Yet in spite of all the Catholic spirit the Jacobites could muster, bitter defeat by the overpowering artillery of the British Army commanded by Charlie's cousin the Duke of Cumberland was the Jacobites' ultimate fate--and, according to Outlander, in spite of all that 'Claire' and 'Jamie Fraser' could do! (see the official trailer for season 2, linked above if you're unfamiliar with the show).

Yes, Clan Fraser did fight in the one-hour battle that day and if you search for Culloden on YouTube you'll find a few silent, respectful video tours of the battlefield showing stone markers of the fallen Clans.

As for the Bonnie Prince, he had been stricken with pneumonia in February 1746, yet survived to fight another day. But on April 16, 1746, defeat at the Battle of Culloden "broke his spirit, he had a nervous breakdown," and at some point, dressed as a woman, he made his escape. After his father's death in 1766, he took to wandering over Europe a "broken man," unable to regain all he'd lost including another chance to gain the crown his brow had never worn.

Even so, Prince Charles married Princess Louisa of Stolberg-Gedern in Spring 1772 but she left the embittered, ill Charles after a "violent incident" in 1780.

Then finally, on January 31, 1788, Charles Stuart died of alcohol abuse and apoplexy (stroke), age 67. Such was the tragic life of an exiled yet bonnie king, his early promise tragically unfulfilled.

For more details see the Battle of Culloden, boggy soil and "sleety rain" notwithstanding.

Now admittedly I'm having some difficulty discovering an exact hour the battle began--one site says the Duke's forces arrived "around midday" while another gives "11:00 am" as the time the opposing combatants first saw one another. Since 11:00 am falls within an Hour of Mercury, planet of sight, sound, and other senses, I'm using that hour to set up the Horoscope of The Battle of Culloden you see, below. Besides, both the British forces and the Jacobite Army were in the area at 11:00 am and 12:00 pm so both times must apply in a variety of ways. Note that the horoscope is hand-drawn since my printer still refuses to print but will fussily scan; outer planets and Chiron are included although undiscovered in 1746 and thus would have operated totally on an unconscious level if at all.

Please enlarge the image to read chart notes not all of which will mentioned in the following text:

Battle of Culloden April 16, 1746 11:00 am LMT Culloden Moor 57N28 004W05 Scotland; Hour of Mercury (in Taurus: one-sided views, hoarseness from shouting); Ascendant 8Leo08--Leo, sign of royalty and leadership so the Sun is chart-ruler and as such the Sun applies once to conjunct warrior Mars (9A07), see lower left: acting on plans, negative results from being hotheaded and impulsive; injuries, especially to the head, fever. For 3 days no one was allowed on the Moor although some sources say that on the day after the battle Cumberland sent back men to kill any Jacobite survivors--was that 9+ hours later? Anyway, the good people of nearby Inverness buried the dead basically where they fell on the battlefield. (Were my ancestors, Clan McClellan there? Apparently not, they were Lowlanders.)

Jupiter in 1746 -- and 2019?!

Highlighted in green, also lower left, are the dates of Culloden Jupiter's 3 Returns to its 1746 degree (14Sag45 Rx) in 2019! Perhaps this lucrative transit describes the current good fortune of anyone and anything related to the Battle and/or to Outlander in the realms of tourism (visits to Culloden, Lallybroch, etc), sign-ups to the STARZ channel or Netflix, etc. In the 1746 chart, Jupiter is strong in its own sign of Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner, but is weakened somewhat by its retrograde condition--Jupiter the General = Prince Charles, not Cumberland? Because traditionally speaking, no military general in-the-know astrologically would start a battle or wage war with Jupiter Rx--unless he wanted the other side to win! However, in this chart Jupiter is apex of a planetary pattern of crisis, crossroads, turning point (yes it was), special task, and/or karmic opportunity for progress (?), a YOD, and if we read the trio involved as a midpoint picture we have Mercury-Neptune = Jupiter: harboring great hopes. Well, Prince Charles and the Jacobites certainly did. And Mercury-Neptune itself tends toward fantasy and misconceptions. A second YOD is formed involving the 11:00 am Ascendant which would pass after awhile; however, its midpoint picture points toward the confused Pisces Moon and informs us that there were ill-humored individuals in the environment. Yes, I would imagine so.

What's Neptune Got to Do with It?

Now before I list the chart's midpoint pictures, mention should be made of the planet of the Unconscious, Neptune @16Can04 in its own 12th house (of karma, self-undoing, politics, large institutions, and secret enemies), though unaware of its deceptive, weakening influences as the combatants must have been. This is because Neptune conjoins the natal Ascendant of Bonnie Prince Charles (ASC 16Can34--marked on the left in blue) which describes his grand aspirations toward the throne but also suggests his reaction to the loss--wandering around, broken and weak in spirit, and leaning on alcohol to numb his pain...all Neptunian concepts. Alcoholism even played a part in his death, another ultimate result of negative Neptune. This transit identifies his increasing sense of abandonment, feelings of self-pity, and the loss of self-esteem which he undoubtedly felt. Even his escape to the continent suggests watery Neptune's involvement as he wafted away dressed in Neptunian disguise as a woman! And with his natal Ascendant in Moon-ruled Cancer, sign of homeland, patriotism, nationalism, and tribalism, the Culloden Moon in sensitive Pisces squaring expansive Jupiter denotes one who expected this to be easy, is self-indulgent, and may feel an off-and-on sense of apathy. That Charles slipped away from the battlefield can be no huge surprise.

Well, here is a list of primary midpoint pictures from the chart lest this post turn into a book! See if any of these potentials seem relevant to the Battle of Culloden:

Sun-North-Node ('family ties') = Midheaven ('MC': 'The Goal or Aspiration'): fighting other people's battles.

Sun-Pluto ('striving for power; craving rulership') = Uranus ('the rebel; the maverick'): carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; great efforts; sudden adjustment to new circumstances (arrest).

Sun-Pluto also opposes the ASC: the crisis of self-preservation; experiencing the ruthlessness of others; ruthless establishment of one's own personality; suppression of the environment for the attainment of one's own aspirations.

Sun-Mercury ('the power of thought and understanding') = Mars ('the warrior, the soldier, males; weapons'): the will to fight life's battles; agitated thinking; quarrels and disagreements; upsets; excitement.

Uranus-MC ('unusual objectives; the power of assertion') = Moon (females; family; emotions; the unconscious): quick temper; extraordinary state of excitement or irritability; becoming easily upset.

Moon-MC ('wavering disposition; unreliability; moodiness; one's soul') = North Node ('encounters; future direction; destiny'): adaptability; a spiritual relationship with the female sex.

And note that North Node in confused Pisces can indicate people who share the same beliefs and/or associations which harm the community at large.

Then last but not least, for it forms a background influence to the proceedings, is the Battle's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which is marked in the 9th house @1Ari22 (ruled by Mars). This annular eclipse perfected on March 22, 1746 in the 19 North Saros Series with themes of: 'realism; coming down to earth and seeing things for what they truly are (if only Charlie had); a good time for tackling the truth'.

So perhaps I should add Prince Charles' PE which manifested on August 4, 1720 @11Leo47 in the 11 North Saros Series. 11 North themes are quite revealing: 'the need for sudden reforms; old ideas and methods fail and new systems are required to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed'. Sadly, it turns out that Prince Charlie was the block that was removed.

Well, there are many more chart factors and battle conditions worth mentioning but I'll leave it here and hope you got something of value from this post on the Horoscope of the Battle of Culloden--and if you care, please Share!

Here is a link to an interesting video you might enjoy: Who Would Be Jacobite King in the UK Today?!! Plus, I wrote about an earlier battle's Historical Horoscope if you're curious: The Battle of Agincourt (1415) so check it out as you wish!

(Midpoint Pictures: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.)

Blog Note: This post is published as a tribute to all who fought and died at the Battle of Culloden, of all nationalities and persuasions. May they R.I.P. - JC

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