Jul 19, 2016

July 19, 2016: Jude Cowell Astrology now Live!

Inspired by this evening's Full Moon in Capricorn, Jude Cowell Astrology hereby debuts and sends out a hearty Welcome to all who happen here!

Being born with four planets in Capricorn (Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter though not in that order) between 4th and 5th houses, this seems to be a fortuitous time to make a few changes particularly since Saturn is the traditional ruler of Astrology. For me, Uranus is the higher-octave ruler of the venerable art which contributes to yours truly being a Saturnian astrologer.

This means that I don't read such things as reincarnation or past lives in natal horoscopes but DNA and heredity instead with family issues, myths, and physical traits passed down through the generations. These issues may be identified by one's Saturnian South Node sign/sign ruler, placement of the Nodal axis and that of its sign rulers and their aspects, plus, by YOD patterns, if any. Identifying as a Saturnian, karma to me is reaping what was sown, a natural law which no one escapes, and though there may be delayed reaping (and there often is) no one avoids the natural law of karma--not even those earthlings who consider themselves high'n'mighty.

And yet a 10th house Uranus in Gemini makes me something of a contrary Uranian, too! But then there's my Pisces Moon and Libra Neptune adding creativity (I like to draw) and an appreciation for mysticism to the personality brew. (See below, for a few notes on my natal Sun-Moon personality blend). And as a Saturnian, you can imagine that I don't 'do' or care to write about such things as ghosts or UFOs! Those who do, have at it. But it's no thanks for me since there's always an earthly explanation which may involve dark forces which should never be messed with. Dark forces are real, I agree, but messing with them is never a safe course of action (though it may seem like a good idea at the time).

Now since my WordPress site, Jude's Threshold (nee, 2008), will officially shut down on or before September 1, 2016, some of its more popular posts and articles will migrate to this location or be re-created here as time permits (ex: Cleopatra's and Dracula's natal horoscopes). Plus, new Astrology content is planned such as what I call Historical Horoscopes with analysis written by yours truly so please drop by Jude Cowell Astrology whenever you can. Naturally any and all Follows, Subscriptions, and on-topic Comments are encouraged and encouraging and are very much appreciated!

Note that for Political Astrology please visit Stars Over Washington because no political content will be published here though I may link to SO'W articles or videos when they apply to circumstances in the Collective such as Eclipses and other cosmic happenings that influence our social sphere or that relate closely to astrological analysis.

Additionally, a cordial invitation is extended to my fellow astrologers and to those who write on Literature, Mythology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Genealogy, Spirituality, Tarot, and various curious or esoteric topics to send along links to and/or excerpts of their articles for re-posting here on Jude Cowell Astrology--with full attribution included, of course. As you may imagine, the WordPress re-blogging button will be a Jude's Threshold feature sorely missed here on Blogger since the WP format makes it so very easy to share excerpts with my readers while giving them a heads-up on other writers and topics.

And please note that a variety of Astrology Videos are to be added to the sidebar as they're ferreted out so stay tuned! Actually, you'll find Astrology videos in the sidebar now if you're curious--one featuring the excellent work of astrologer David Cochrane on Planetary Nodes, another by Steve Judd on Chiron and Outer Planet Returns.

UPDATE~ a 3rd video is now added to the sidebar--an astrological overview of years 2016 and 201 7 by Barbara Goldsmith--check it out if you haven't already!

Well, that's it for now. Hopefully I have explained myself and revealed under the rays of tonight's Full Moon the inspiration that has led to this very moment and the publishing of yet another blog. When will she stop? you may ask. Not quite yet!

Jude Cowell

Posting from the Kennesaw Mountain area, North Atlanta, Georgia USA

Inquiries, comments, links and/or article excerpts may be sent to judecowell at gmail dot com. Now here are a few notes on my Sun-Moon blend:

Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces, a Saturn-Jupiter-Neptune combo:

This Earth-Water personality blend may be described as mud or potter's clay! Practical and compassionate, this receptive blend denotes one who works well in isolation though good business sense is also in evidence. A pragmatic dreamer, Sun Cap-Moon Pisces is a philosophical humanitarian who is dependable yet private, a dutiful softie who feels deeply about things (like America!) Finding meaning in chaos and creating order (good for Astrology!) is important as are the spiritual realms of life. Goal-oriented and insightful, this blend can be whimsical and light-hearted while never sharing the woes that weigh heavily upon the heart.

Too often carrying the burdens of others, fear of the unknown, and allowing negative thoughts to interfere with self-confidence are cautions for this blend which I share with Founding Father *Benjamin Franklin who said, "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of." How very Saturnian of Ben the astrologer and almanac printer since Saturn is our cosmic Timekeeper!

For more details see: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Please note that all Jude Cowell original content may be excerpted if full attribution is included; and astrologers--Do Not leave your Advertising Links in my Comments section please.

Above image, Chiron Returns 2027-2028 to its natal degree which seemed so far in the future when envisioned on paper in 2007! View more cosmic art drawings here. jc

*Benjamin Franklin born January 1 7, 1 706 (NS) 10:30 am LMT Boston, MA; Sun 27Cap12--precisely conjoined by tonight's Full Moon--and Moon 5Pis20 where transit Neptune recently sojourned in this, the New Millennium. (Data collector: Margie Herskowitz, CA-NCGR.)

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