Sep 25, 2024

Dr. Carl Jung 1875--1961

by Jude Cowell

Pioneering psychologist Carl Jung was born July 26, 1875 in Kesswil, Switzerland at 7:24 pm BMT (C-rated; collector: Rodden). Note that Dr. Marc Edmund Jones in his book on Sabian Symbols lists Jung's birth time as 7:20 pm with the 4 minutes making about one degree difference on house cusps. If you wish to view his stand-alone natal horoscope, scurry over to

Meanwhile, you see below a bi-wheel of Jung's natal chart (inner) surrounded by the planets at his death on June 6, 1961 in Kussnacht, Switzerland, age 85. And no, I've not found an exact hour of his passing so I've used 7:24 pm CET to set up the chart which tracks the Moon (physical body) @27Pis08 conjunct the transiting IC of Endings. It's only one Angular factor, but there it is. However, another Angular placement is a double one: transit Saturn Rx at a critical 29th degree (obstacles; blockages; stoppage; limitation; restriction; karma; depression) conjunct his natal Ascendant (1AQ25) with transit Jupiter @00AQ55 Rx. Together at Ascendant, Jupiter and Saturn bring a separative influence.

Then, this expansion-restriction planetary pair in the biological realm suggests trouble with gall and/or liver functions, while the Venus-Neptune contact in Taurus denotes a potential for glandular enlargement (R. Ebertin). Additionally, a recent contact from Mars in Leo to natal Uranus in Leo hints that an attack may have occurred and it may have been heart-related - especially with his widely opposed Saturn-Uranus pairing (Leo-AQ) which may often denote a heart blockage (R. Ebertin) for transit Mars to come along and ruffle or activate. And with Mars there can be infection and/or fever concerns:

Now there's an important aspect of Jung's spiritual life as we see through his 2nd house dissociate conjunction of wounded healer Chiron and the divine source planet, Neptune. This pairing tends to place high value on a quest for meaning, transcendance, mysticism, and enlightenment, and has much to do with his visions and dreams from an early age. In fact, Chiron-Neptune energies combined suggests cosmic imagery and visualization ability, according to Maritha Pottenger! Plus, there's a biography of Dr. Jung on Amazon titled, Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul! It's authored by Claire Dunn if you'd like to check it out (#ad).

Then if we look at a Synastry comparison between Dr. Jung's natal planets of July 26, 1875 and those of June 6, 1961 using SolarFireGold.v9 software, we find that two semi-squares (45 degrees) are present which have health associations: Mercury semi-square natal Pluto (a troubled mind; possible paranoia), and Jupiter semi-square natal Mars (low vitality; lack of motivation; overwhelmed by obstacles).

And so the pioneering doctor's death arrived after a brief illness, and as you see, at age 85, Carl Jung had already achieved a significant turning point in his life (when the past doesn't mean as much as before) through his once-in-a-lifetime Uranus Return, typically at age 84, which was actually a three-fer for him: September 1958, January 1959, and July 1959. Naturally, other transiting planets can fill out the cosmic picture at each return if you're so inclined to set up the charts and have a look.

Now each time, these returns repeated the aspects of 1875 to his natal Uranus: square Moon (stubborn; unpredictable!); Mars trine Uranus (original; skillful with occult matters; nervous energy; freedom at all costs!). Plus, his Uranus-North-Node trine gave him adaptability, many new opportunities in his life, a leaning toward liberalism, an interest in Astrology (which he used with his more difficult patients), and a beneficial public reputation for his pioneering work. And this remains the case today!

Then for his fixed Fire-Earth Sun Leo-Moon Taurus personality blend of conscious-unconscious energies, we find a man proud and inflexible with his inferiors (ex: not suffering fools?), yet personally magnetic, creative, emotionally intense, pragmatic, dependable, and confident with a regal air about him (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad). The Harveys' Image for Integration which seems to me to apply to Dr. Jung and his counseling work is,

"A master potter turns dull clay into an exquisite vase."

So there we have it, dear reader. With this simple astro-tribute I say, May Carl Jung R.I.P.

And if this consideration has value for you, or you know someone who may be interested, please share this post however you please, and My Thanks to those who do! Jude

Sep 14, 2024

King Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field

by Jude Cowell

Today, combining my usual interest in ancestral research with astrological horoscopes, I'm displaying the natal horoscope of King Richard III, the last of the Plantagenet kings of England, along with his speculatively timed Death Horoscope for he was killed at the Battle of Bosworth Field.

Full disclosure: as geni dot com informs me, Richard III is my 1st cousin 19 times removed via my paternal Strickland grandmother. Most folks may remember Richard III because his burial site was famously discovered under a car park in September 2012. His remains were excavated and reinterred more fittingly at Leicester Cathedral on March 26, 2015.

First off, here's a link to a view of the C-rated natal horoscope of Richard III. And below you see a bi-wheel with the same natal chart (center) surrounded by a speculatively timed 9:00 am LMT Horoscope of the Battle of Bosworth Field fought on August 22, 1485.

Listed below the bi-wheel are planetary contacts, plus, any Angular contacts between the two charts which are what you want to look for when considering any death horoscope. In fact, Angular planets can be used for accurate timing concerns but that's beyond the scope of this limited post:

Abbreviations: "KR" = King Richard III; "BBF" = Battle of Bosworth Field.

Along with a few midpoint pictures, planetary contacts between the October 2, 1452 chart (inner) and the August 22, 1485 chart (outer) include but are not limited to:

BBF Sun-Moon conjunct KR natal Ascendant: this may be a handy timing element suggesting that KR's birth time is close to accurate;

BBF 9:00 am Ascendant conjunct KR Sun @18Libra, an Angular contact; BBF Pluto, planet of death and transformation, nears his Libra Sun (vitality; goals) and lies between his Sun-Neptune midpoint with potentials for a tragic deception or illusion; emotional and/or physical suffering; also BBF Pluto opposes KR Mars Rx, planet of sharp weapons: power struggle, physical conflicts, overwhelmed by stronger forces;

BBF Jupiter-Saturn conjuncts KR Venus in Scorpio and opposes Moon in Taurus: lack of tenacity or endurance; easy upsets;

Angular contacts include BBF Moon conjunct BBF IC, the Angle of Endings; BBF Sun at KR MC (Midheaven = Goals and Public Status); KR Jupiter Rx @27AQ39 conjunct KR IC: entering a battle with Jupiter the General Rx is not a portent for success, plus, KR Jupiter is opposed by BFF Syzygy Moon @26Leo18 suggesting KR's desire for a good outcome but too many strong forces were aligned against Richard and perhaps a few bad decisions had been made.

Solar Eclipses of Influence

King Richard III was born into a 13 South Saros Series (4Can45) of sinister energy underneath an urge to expand; expansion contains frustration, separation, and/or loss in group endeavors; hints of evacuation and/or crisis in government may be attached. Solar Eclipses in Moon-ruled Cancer emphasize emotional extremes, and karmic family ties particularly the maternal side of the family; ancestral links may also be an issue (R.L., see below).

The Battle of Bosworth Field occurred under the auspices of a Total 10 North Eclipse (5Ari02) with themes of frustrating events with a focus on news and communications; feeling drained and tired may be attached (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Then in Mars-ruled Aries, Solar Eclipses denote issues of courage, enthusiasm, spirited competition, leadership, and seeing problems as challenges; negatively there may be anger, over-aggression, and head-strongness (Your Prenatal Eclipse, R. Lineman #ad).

So there you have it - my look at King Richard III who lost his life at the famous Battle of Bosworth Field, the final significant battle in the War of the Roses.

And now, dear reader, if any of this information seems shareworthy to you, it would be most appreciated to share if you care - and very encouraging for my efforts, too! Jude

In closing, here's a brief yet curious video which may be of interest, Opening the Medieval Stone Coffin Found at Richard III's Burial Site

Sep 5, 2024

Horoscope: The Battle of Flodden Field 1513

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

At the Battle of Flodden Field (59M 35S video, you may have to rewind!), one of my 13th-great-grandfathers, Sir William Maclellan was killed as were other of my (our!) ancestors and forebearers. Some sources give the Battle as September 8, 1513 but most say September 9, 1513. The invasion by Scotland's King James IV was ill-fated and if we wish to check the planets of the Battle, we find that Jupiter the General in the possessive, intolerant sign of Taurus was retrograde (Rx), never a good portent for belligerents waging war.

Famously, The Battle of Flodden Field is known as the largest ever fought between Scotland and England based on the number of troops, many of whom had already been felled by disease.

Now as you know, Flodden 1513 falls within the larger cycle of The War of the League of Cambrai (which goes back to Pope Julius II, Holy Roman Emperor Maximillian I, and Venice in the early 1500s), yet this post is merely intended for publishing a symbolic Sunrise Horoscope of the Battle of Flodden Field in which so many of our ancestors lost their lives (or somehow managed to keep them!) while others were victorious.

This post is subject to future edits if new data is found, and as noted, the 1513 Horoscope is symbolically set for Sunrise (5:43:21 am LMT) using Flodden, Northumberland's co-ordinates as listed on the Battle's Wikipedia page (linked, above).

Obviously during a conflict, planetary oppositions (180 degrees) are of particular importance while squares (90 degrees) retain their usual implication of internal blockages, trines (120 degrees) suggest beneficial aids and/or alliances, and sextiles (60 degrees) show oportunities; the Chiron-Pluto pairing denotes primal violence - here in Sagittarius, sign of The Archer - appropriate since archers were battle participants:

An additional note: The Battle of Flodden Field was fought under the auspices of the Total 2 Old North Solar Eclipse of August 30, 1513 @16Vir01:49 with themes of unfortunate news concerning relationships, separations, or endings of unions; things seem glum at first but fast action can bring good outcomes (paraphrasing B. Brady). The last 2 Old North Eclipse occurred on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer; the next 2 Old North will manifest on August 21, 2036 @29Leo and will be the final Eclipse in the Series.

Jun 14, 2024

Jude Law plays Henry VIII in "Firebrand"!

by Jude Cowell, only a Judith but at least I saw The Beatles perform in 1965!

Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons (2018)

Did you happen to catch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last evening and Jude Law discussing how Sir Paul McCartney dedicated his peformance in Australia of Hey Jude to the actor who was named after the song? How timely since Jude Law now stars in a new theatrical film Firebrand about King Henry VIII. The film focuses on Henry's sixth wife Catherine Parr who outlasted His Majesty, and who raised and taught his children, among other accomplishments.

Watch Stephen interview Jude here.

And check out Henry VIII's Sun Cancer-Moon Aries personality blend (RR: AA for accuracy) at the natal chart link, above, for it reveals a feisty, shrewd survivor possessing a heroic spirit and a romantic nature who, as we know, could be temperamental, moody, and possessive particularly in his later years.

A survivor, that is, until he died of hepatic dropsy on January 28, 1547 OS (February 7 NS) at Westminster in a horribly painful condition - and with Venus @29Pisces - right where transit Neptune hangs around these days - a perfect transit for the premiere of a celluoid depiction of a romantic and vengeful king whose reputation could use a glamorous sprucing up - if it's possible!

Well, the film should be riveting and very well performed if not historically accurate. Here's a link to the offical trailer of Firebrand.

Previously appearing on JCAstro A Death Horoscope for Anne Boleyn, mother of Queen Elizabeth I.

Consult Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey for more personality details.

May 17, 2024

Astro-Notes: The Life and Death of Caravaggio

by Jude Cowell

Checking the bio page of chiaroscuro genius Caravaggio (nee Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio) we find that the famous Baroque painter is a Sun Libra born on September 29, 1571 in Milan, Italy, hour unknown. Of course, Libra, ruled by lovely Venus, associates herself with the Arts and with Culture, and is often prominent in the astrology charts of artists. For Caravaggio, she's in earthy Virgo, sign of The Virgin of immaculate conception which suggests the religious themes of his paintings.

Venus-Pluto = Neptune: The Arts; A Love Narcosis

As a lifelong artist myself, born with a planetary pattern between Venus, Neptune, and Pluto, my suspicion is that the same trio in Caravaggio's Natal Horoscope is a good place to scope out his significant artistic abilities, made more powerful and dramatic for him (not for me!) by a Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction in creative Pisces, the sign that "likes the shades".

Specifically, a T-Square between a Venus-Pluto opposition points toward natal Neptune in late Gemini with quicksilver Mercury ruler of Gemini suggesting his habit of painting directly from life and never from preliminary drawings. Street folk were his models and he sometimes included himself in his paintings. With a libertine image and his passionate lifestyle, his paintings and his behavior often caused controversy and conflict.

Add to this a volcanic temper and a large ego, and the following bi-wheel of horoscopes showing his speculatively timed Natal Chart (inner; 1571) surrounded by a 1610 Death Chart speculatively timed by his natal Uranus conjunct an Angle (Uranus, planet of genius, but also of assault, shock, disruption, and sudden separation) could make sense. Penned on are a few difficult 1610 transits full of negative energies such as 1610 Saturn opposing natal Mars, Pluto opposing natal Saturn and Mercury, and 1610 Mars opposing natal Sun. And depending on the degree of his natal Moon (from 18AQ18 to 2Pis34), transit Saturn Rx could also have hit his natal Moon at some point; notably, all the listed 1610 transits have health implications.

And although the timing of either or both horoscopes may be off, the following bi-wheel provides us with an interesting astro-study of an enigmatic, charismatic, intriguing, little-known artistic genius of a long ago era:

Now if you have 24 minutes to spare, don't miss Caravaggio: The Murderous Artist Who Died in Mystery, a Waldemar Januszczak documentary.

May 10, 2024

Update on The Idaho Student Murders

by Jude Cowell

Sadly, the tragic Idaho murders are thought to have been committed between 4:00 am and 4:25 am on November 13, 2022 near the University of Idaho campus, Moscow, Idaho. My original post showed two possible horoscopes based on early reporting - one set for 3:00 am, the second for 4:00 pm:

From court documents, details suggest that one of the victims was on tik tok at 4:12 am so the following updated horoscope is set for 4:20 am pst with my study notes messily penned on, some of which may repeat from the previous charts; a significant planetary factor is that creepy Pluto (the assassin) is Angular in the chart at its Foundation Point (IC) of endings along with melancholy Orpheus:

You may remember this time period in 2022 for its Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus @16Taurus which occurred prior to our Midterms 2022 Elections (when "Maga" politicians managed to infest the House), and the 6 South Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio manifested with its 'manic energy, forcefully taking power and control' themes (B. Brady). This eclipse landed, as we discovered later, upon the natal Venus Rx of Mr. Kohberger, described as "an awkward regular Joe with a dead stare."

Then at the time of the murders, a Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer blend of conscious-unconscious energies were of influence. Synchronistically, this combo happens to be the natal personality blend of suspect Bryan Kohberger, born November 21, 1994 in Albrightsville, PA (hour unknown). Was he aware of this, or was he simply responding to cosmic energies in an intuitive, if negative, way?

This emotional, intuitive double Water combination denotes the subjective over the objective, egocentric sensitivity, being absorbed by negative emotions and sinking into self-pity, and one who tries to re-create childhood conditions and may take revenge for early slights or disappointments. There is an indication of being rebuffed (see lower right corner).

For Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer, the Harveys provide a curious Image for Integration, as you might agree: "A surgeon develops life-saving methods--" yet as we know, the murderer's tragic methods were life-taking instead.

Of interest: Why Prosecutors Say Idaho Student Murders Suspect Bryan Kohberger's Alibi Is Inadequate. Note that the article cites "around 4:00 am."

Recommended: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad.

May 1, 2024

Did poet Emily Dickinson use Astrology?

An Astro-Tribute to Poet Emily Dickinson

by Jude Cowell

As we discover on her Wikipedia page, Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts on December 10, 1830 and passed away from Bright's Disease of the kidneys on May 15, 1886, age 55. Tragically, years of multiple losses of her family members had created a very depressive atmosphere for the shy poet and she began to weaken, then succumb.

Two Poems Suggest Her Intimate Understanding

According to master astrologer Matthew Swann on his Medium page, two poems written by Emily Dickinson reveal her understanding and use of Astrology. Hopefully you can read Matthew's post (I signed up with Medium just so I could!) which includes examples from the two poems.

Now here's the natal horoscope of Emily Dickinson rated B (biography) with not even one of my messy study notes scribbled on:

The Syzygy Moon (last lunation, a Full Moon) prior to her birth fell at @7Gem27 and Emily was born under the auspices of the 13 North Solar Eclipse of September 16, 1830 @23Vir40:00 with its themes of separation, and of breaking an existing bond (B. Brady). Then as you know, both Gemini and Virgo, ruled by Scribe Mercury the Messenger, are writer's signs, and when her Solar Eclipse manifested, it conjoined the Mercury-Saturn midpoint with the planetary pair known to identify the professional writer. Plus, solar eclipses in Virgo denote issues of the work ethic, discrimination, perception, criticism, and health problems which may or may not be inherited (R. Lineman).

Then as you see, a highly creative Jupiter-Neptune conjunction must have supplied her with an endless source of inspiration, and with Capricorn's Saturn, ruler of form and structure, a cosmic vessel in which to pour her creations was provided. And there's her innovative Uranus in futuristic Aquarius, possibly posited in the 3rd house of Communications!

Emily Dickinson: May she R.I.P.

Emily's 'Death Eclipse' perfected on March 5, 1886 @15Pis17 in the 14 South Saros Series with themes of an obsessive idea finally accepted leading to success and/or a breakthrough (paraphrasing Brady). Well, as we know success did happen for her - in subsequent years after death. In Pisces, a solar eclipse suggests that one is on at highest level of spiritual understanding, so any worries for the deeply reflective lady on that score may be misplaced.

Even so, she was a poet through and through and to me it's very sad that during Emily Dickinson's lifetime her writings were unsung, while posthumously she is now considered to be a major American poet - an original and a pioneer with words (partially attributed to her natal Mars-Pluto conjunction in the pioneering sign of Aries!)

So what's my recommendation, dear reader? Check out Matthew Swann's post linked, above, and perhaps pay a visit to Emily's informative page which displays the only known image of the poet as an adult -- at the Poetry Foundation website!

Mar 31, 2024

Are These Eclipses from the Life of Jesus Christ?

Two Speculative Solar Eclipse Horoscopes Seem Significant

by Jude Cowell, Protestant Christian for the commmon good

Using dates found in Adrian Gilbert's book, Signs in the Sky (#ad), the following Solar Eclipse Horoscopes are intended to shed some cosmic light upon ancient events that affect the entire world.

In the book, the speculative date of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth is given as July 29, 0007 with the Sun and royal star Regulus conjunct and rising over Nazareth at 5:10 am LMT; the date of His Crucifixion is given as April 15, 0029, according to analysis by author Gilbert. Scripture times His agony from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm LMT, mercifully ending after three hours, with His Ascension to The Father coming 40 days later.

Now because the dates of these events were so long ago, I have no information concerning the Saros Series in which the two Solar Eclipses fell. Therefore, let's consider them through the signs of the Zodiac in which they manifested: Pisces for Jesus of Nazareth's Prenatal Eclipse, and Capricorn for His Crucifixion and Ascension. Planetary aspects to each eclipse add a bit more information and are included.

Horoscopes with a few study notes penned on: Pisces Eclipse (upper right) and Capricorn Eclipse (lower left):

A child born under the influences of a Solar Eclipse in Pisces identifies one who has reached the highest rungs on the spiritual ladder. There can be no luring into spiritual escapism of any kind (ex: The Temptation of Christ didn't work on Him!), nor will He be blinded by earthly illusions with spiritual awareness fostering His well-directed efforts. Mars trine the Eclipse provided positive energies and direction for His physical efforts with Mars in the nurturing sign of Cancer.

Influences from a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn identifies "an old soul" with a mission to enlighten and guide others on the spiritual path while striving to correct wrongful karmic conditions. The New Law arrived! Aspects to the Eclipse include a trine from Saturn, ruler of the Eclipse, which provides a sense of responsibility and the perseverance to complete the tasks at hand, to carry things through. A conjunction from Neptune to the Eclipse, planet of the masses, reveals the sheep who follow The Good Shepherd yet some people are blind to the true objective of His mission, while others organize into a cult with themselves at the center where they don't belong.

He Is Risen!

So here's hoping that this eclipse analysis lends light to a path or two during these dark times that we're all attempting to navigate as best we can this Easter weekend and beyond.

For additional information, you may wish to see Your Prenatal Eclipse, by Rose Lineman, AFA #ad.

Disclaimer: personally I have no idea whether these dates are corrrect or not and are given here for your consideration. I've always heard that He lived to be 33 years old. Therefore, further research is recommended. Jude