Sep 25, 2024

Dr. Carl Jung 1875--1961

by Jude Cowell

Pioneering psychologist Carl Jung was born July 26, 1875 in Kesswil, Switzerland at 7:24 pm BMT (C-rated; collector: Rodden). Note that Dr. Marc Edmund Jones in his book on Sabian Symbols lists Jung's birth time as 7:20 pm with the 4 minutes making about one degree difference on house cusps. If you wish to view his stand-alone natal horoscope, scurry over to

Meanwhile, you see below a bi-wheel of Jung's natal chart (inner) surrounded by the planets at his death on June 6, 1961 in Kussnacht, Switzerland, age 85. And no, I've not found an exact hour of his passing so I've used 7:24 pm CET to set up the chart which tracks the Moon (physical body) @27Pis08 conjunct the transiting IC of Endings. It's only one Angular factor, but there it is. However, another Angular placement is a double one: transit Saturn Rx at a critical 29th degree (obstacles; blockages; stoppage; limitation; restriction; karma; depression) conjunct his natal Ascendant (1AQ25) with transit Jupiter @00AQ55 Rx. Together at Ascendant, Jupiter and Saturn bring a separative influence.

Then, this expansion-restriction planetary pair in the biological realm suggests trouble with gall and/or liver functions, while the Venus-Neptune contact in Taurus denotes a potential for glandular enlargement (R. Ebertin). Additionally, a recent contact from Mars in Leo to natal Uranus in Leo hints that an attack may have occurred and it may have been heart-related - especially with his widely opposed Saturn-Uranus pairing (Leo-AQ) which may often denote a heart blockage (R. Ebertin) for transit Mars to come along and ruffle or activate. And with Mars there can be infection and/or fever concerns:

Now there's an important aspect of Jung's spiritual life as we see through his 2nd house dissociate conjunction of wounded healer Chiron and the divine source planet, Neptune. This pairing tends to place high value on a quest for meaning, transcendance, mysticism, and enlightenment, and has much to do with his visions and dreams from an early age. In fact, Chiron-Neptune energies combined suggests cosmic imagery and visualization ability, according to Maritha Pottenger! Plus, there's a biography of Dr. Jung on Amazon titled, Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul! It's authored by Claire Dunn if you'd like to check it out (#ad).

Then if we look at a Synastry comparison between Dr. Jung's natal planets of July 26, 1875 and those of June 6, 1961 using SolarFireGold.v9 software, we find that two semi-squares (45 degrees) are present which have health associations: Mercury semi-square natal Pluto (a troubled mind; possible paranoia), and Jupiter semi-square natal Mars (low vitality; lack of motivation; overwhelmed by obstacles).

And so the pioneering doctor's death arrived after a brief illness, and as you see, at age 85, Carl Jung had already achieved a significant turning point in his life (when the past doesn't mean as much as before) through his once-in-a-lifetime Uranus Return, typically at age 84, which was actually a three-fer for him: September 1958, January 1959, and July 1959. Naturally, other transiting planets can fill out the cosmic picture at each return if you're so inclined to set up the charts and have a look.

Now each time, these returns repeated the aspects of 1875 to his natal Uranus: square Moon (stubborn; unpredictable!); Mars trine Uranus (original; skillful with occult matters; nervous energy; freedom at all costs!). Plus, his Uranus-North-Node trine gave him adaptability, many new opportunities in his life, a leaning toward liberalism, an interest in Astrology (which he used with his more difficult patients), and a beneficial public reputation for his pioneering work. And this remains the case today!

Then for his fixed Fire-Earth Sun Leo-Moon Taurus personality blend of conscious-unconscious energies, we find a man proud and inflexible with his inferiors (ex: not suffering fools?), yet personally magnetic, creative, emotionally intense, pragmatic, dependable, and confident with a regal air about him (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad). The Harveys' Image for Integration which seems to me to apply to Dr. Jung and his counseling work is,

"A master potter turns dull clay into an exquisite vase."

So there we have it, dear reader. With this simple astro-tribute I say, May Carl Jung R.I.P.

And if this consideration has value for you, or you know someone who may be interested, please share this post however you please, and My Thanks to those who do! Jude

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