Sep 4, 2016

A Scorpio New Moon and Halloween 2016

Night in Celadon Forest, pencil on paper 2016

Who better to represent Halloween in an Astrology post than author and literary critic Edgar Alan Poe, macabre's famous advocate and the Father of the Modern Detective Novel? A while back I wrote a rather rambling article concerning the man and his mysterious death and you may view his death horoscope if you wish. Various birth times are discussed in the post but the '1:00 am' hour seems to be the ticket.

Edgar Alan Poe was born January 19, 1809 with Sun conjunct Mercury @28 Capricorn, Moon @9 Pisces conjunct Venus near a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in creative Pisces...brooding Scorpio rising--it's the chart of a genius in his field of word smithing, aided by a *Mercury-Saturn sextile which denotes a critical, discerning mind with a talent for management, administration, organization, and specialization which made him an authority in his profession. (This is the case in spite of what was told of him by a less talented and thus jealous rival who basically took over Poe's reputation after his death and sullied it, calling Poe a "drunkard," etc. Rather short-sighted of him since now everyone knows what he did!)

Yet a Mercury-Saturn sextile does have drawbacks attached such as the tendency to get into wearisome arguments full of bickering and nagging over non-essentials. This may have added to Poe's problems with relationships including his rival, along with his habit of not listening closely to others which can fuel disagreement and increase the annoyance factor. In addition, the many losses of loved ones from his life must have added deep depression to Poe's personality, to say the least, while providing fodder for his tragic stories.

As for Halloween 2016, we find strong Scorpio vibes lingering from the day before with a New Moon @7 Sco 4 3 (Oct 30 1:3 8 pm EDT) and Mercury in late Scorpio as well. And with creative, fantasy-oriented Neptune @9 Pisces 20 Rx trine the 9 Scorpio Sun (Oct 31), some really imaginative costumes and masks should scare us silly this year and give those who participate an opportunity to celebrate under the influence of disguise.

Is it perhaps curious that the October 30 Scorpio New Moon conjoins the position of the writer's planet, Mercury (8 Sco 20), at the time of Edgar Alan Poe's death? (See horoscope, linked above). Well, it isn't uncommon this time of year for Mercury to be in Scorpio but it seems quite curious to this fan of Poe especially since simultaneously, transiting Neptune @9 Pisces conjoins his Moon-Venus conjunction!

Now here's an article seeking to answer the age old question: Are black cats bad luck? Read In Praise of Black Cats from The Purrington Post which includes lovely cat photos of course!

And why not check out several ideas for Halloween costumes in case you're stumped and Have a Fun and Safe Halloween, Everyone!

Related: Edgar Alan Poe in Television and Film.

For more on sextiles (60 degrees) see Alan Epstein's Understanding Aspects: The Sextile - now listed for an incredible 53 cents!

*Mercury-Saturn contacts are the signature of a professional writer, as Noel Tyl once informed me! Mine are in mutual reception (Virgo-Capricorn) if you're wondering but I do not imagine myself a professional. jc

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