Sep 8, 2016

September and the Magical Number 9

Image: Autumn Equinox September 22, 2016 in Washington DC (tap or click for brief details).

Is the month of September magical? It could be if we consider the month's position as the last of the 12 months with a single-digit number, 9.

For more info, New Spirit Journal has an interesting article on September magic and the number 9 which is reminiscent of the Nine Muses: Calliope (poetry), Clio (history), Melpomone (tragedy), Euterpe (music), Erato (love and inspiration), Terpsichore (dancing), Urania (astronomy), Thalia (comedy), and Polyhymnia (eloquence).

And we know that the nine angels ruling the heavens are: Metatron, Ophaniel, Zaphkiel, Zadkiel, Camael, Raphael, Haniel, Michael, and Gabriel. The nine precious stones are: sapphire, emerald, carbuncle, beryl, onyx, chrysolite, jasper, topaz, and sard.

Occult symbols of the number 9 are: The Cross, The Hermit, Prudence Veiled (with lamp and staff), the Sacred Fire curtained, the Sacred Fire of the Vestals.

Nine is the number of the mystery and power of silence and since personally 'I am a 9', then silence is precisely what I shall now melt int...


For more info on the number 9 and on other numbers as well, see Isodore Kozminsky's The Symbols and Meaning of Numbers.

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