Oct 27, 2016

Astro-Notes on the Mysterious Madame Helena Blavatsky

Whenever I've read about Helena Blavatsky through the years it's usually an article written by an astrologer or from an astrological viewpoint. Today I received a heads-up concerning an article written by Matthew Wills who, I assume, is a non-astrologer. Check out Spiritualism, Science, and the Mysterious Madame Blavatsky, if you wish.

Blavatsky and her associate Colonel Olcott founded Theosophy in NYC on September 7, 1875 10:00 pm LMT and there is an actual, historically timed natal horoscope for it with its Saturn in futuristic Aquarius opposing Uranus in Leo--both planets conjoining the MC-IC axis. Curiously, 8Gemini was rising there at 10:00 pm which brings America's natal Uranus to the fore.

As for a natal horoscope for the noble-born founder of the Theosophical Society, (nee, Helena Petrovna von Hahn), her birth data is rated C for 'rectified from approximate time' and was collected by Lois Rodden herself. Here are Blavatsky's details:

August 12, 1831 2:17 am LMT Ekaterinoslav, Ukraine. Note that this birth data is the same as found in Marc Edmund Jones' book, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.

Sun 18Leo, Moon 9Libra, Ascendant 19Cancer, MC 23Pisces, her inventive, broadly intellectual, and fortunate Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Aquarius was opposed by natal Sun. Sun Leo-Moon Libra is a Fire-Air combination of Utopian idealism and denotes one who is expressive, out-going, and artistic. Something of a maverick, Madame B. was 'regally friendly' and she easily took on leadership roles in her individualistic way. Her "cunning charm" and "calculated boldness" were attributes along with organizational skills and an appreciation for style and elegance.

This personality blend's negative side: 'unconscious snobbery, moral self-righteousness, bossiness, laziness, and a tendency to lean on other people without acknowledging their support'.

Now there are three *Images for Integration for Sun Leo-Moon Libra and at least one if not all three of them seem to apply to Madame Blavatsky and the followers she gathered around her:

"A monarch discusses poetry with a visiting diplomat...Jeeves the butler welcomes Bertie home with a jolly party of artists, important personages, and eccentric friends...The Actors' Guild stages a political rally." (*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

'Mme. HPB' (as she was known) and partner Olcott moved to India (Jupiter conjunct Uranus!) in February 1879 in order to set up chapters of the Theosophical Society; Madame Blavatsky moved to a higher plane (aka, died) on May 8, 1891, taking many of her secrets and mysteries with her.

For more details on the life of Helena Blavatsky and a peek at her magnetic eyes, you'll find a biographical sketch at Crystalinks.


The image, above, is my copyrighted drawing, Princess of India; 2016. Can you see the peacock to the figure's left?

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