May 12, 2018

A Drawing for 28 Aries: "A Large Disappointed Audience"

Here you see a quirky depiction of the Sabian Symbol (word picture) for '28 Aries': "A Large Disappointed Audience" a degree-area of the Zodiac where transit Uranus, planet of revolt, chaos, electricity, and disruption so recently held court in April this year.

Now that the 'sky god' is about to enter Taurus tomorrow for a temporary stay until early November 2018, I'm not certain why I thought to post this drawing today--maybe because Uranus will return to late degrees of Aries soon enough, then re-enter money sign Taurus on March 6, 2019 (ET) for a long spell of spurt-like energies of turmoil, quirkiness, separations, and novelty!

Image: A Large Disappointed Audience, oil and water color pencils on black paper, by Jude Cowell; all rights reserved by artist but your Shares are always appreciated!

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