Sep 12, 2020

Do You Know Where Your Saturn Is?

Image: Celestial View From Turquoise Arch by Jude Cowell

A Search for Saturn

September 12, 2020: You know there's been so much going on in the realms of Politics and major social concerns of late that Jude Cowell Astrology has become quite forlorn and seemingly abandoned. But tonight I'm here to update with a link, below, to an informative article written by master astrologer Ray Grasse and it involves the karmic planet Saturn, aka, the taskmaster, lesson bringer, and ruler of old age and master of Time. Plus as you know, Saturn is the original ruler of Astrology with Uranus, discovered in 1781, the upstart full of futuristic vibes, frequencies, and novel or shocking ideas and ideals. Quirky and erratic, the Genius and the Awakener!

Now realistically speaking, the more stable Saturn in a natal horoscope can signify something of a sore spot for 'he' (the old man or senex) reveals where the flaw in a personality is found by house placement and sign. Full disclosure: my own natal Saturn is in Virgo (in case you were wondering! And as you may know, I'm fond of criticizing craven politicians!) and this sign placement for Saturn actually works (a Saturn word!) rather well with my Capricorn planets (ruled by Saturn).

In fact, one of my Capricorn planets is Mercury, ruler of Virgo, so now the mutual reception in my natal chart is revealed. They're on friendly terms, you know, and they - I - do like to study rather serious topics, then haul off and fuss about them.

Now I could go on - about Saturn, the importance of Saturn Returns, about being a Saturnian astrologer (to me horoscopes reveal DNA not 'past lives'), and more but why do this when Ray Grasse has some excellent information waiting for you concerning Saturn in his article published in The Mountain Astrologer magazine in 2019.

But after all, it isn't as if details about planet Saturn in a horoscope can ever grow passe!

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