Feb 20, 2022

7 Cancer: Two Fairies on a Moonlit Night!

Harmonics in Astrology: Arc Transforms

by Jude Cowell

As a life-long pencil artist and novice astrologer of 26 years, here's an illustration of the Sabian Symbol of the degree that appears when my natal horoscope is converted into its Sun-Moon Arc Transform which resulted in Sun-Moon @7Cancer (the degree rounded up from 6Can25):

Illustration 7 Cancer: "Two Fairies on a Moonlit Night':

Therefore, the Arc Transform technique for finding this degree represents what resulted when my natal chart placements were multiplied until natal Sun and Moon positions were conjunct bwo Arc Transform, which reveals a sort of balance point for me personally. Although exactly what fairies have to do with anything, I can't tell you, unless this symbol (word picture) relates to my considerable helping of ancestral heritage of the Celtic kind!

Now here's some of what Reinhold Ebertin has to say in general about a Sun-Moon conjunction and the pair's primary principle:

'Principle: Spirit and soul; the conscious and unconscious; vitality and feeling; husband and wife'.

'Conjunction: There is an appreciable influence of the zodiacaal sign in which the conjunction occurs; one-track mind; the misunderstood person' (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R.E. #ad).

Misunderstood? Often! And obviously, Moon-ruled Cancer = the family and motherhood, but also business and patriotism. And perhaps this sign contains a part of the deeper meaning behind my willing confession online that, Sometimes I get a little fussy: Cancer "the Crab".

Add to this cosmic picture Saturnian influences from my four natal planets in Capricorn and the Universe can wind up with a very fussy gal if it isn't careful. :o)

For more information concerning this branch of Harmonics in Astrology check out a previous post Fractal Reflections: Arc Transforms.

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