Apr 4, 2022

Artiness and a Cosmic Blink for JCAstro!

April 4, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Since my last post here was a Death Horoscope (and a dreary historical one at that), today calls for a JCAstro post with a lighter topic. For me, this means a bit of Art is attached, so here's a link to the original logo for my online Art Gallery Secret Moon Art via its very first post at creation on July 14, 2006, 16 years ago. There you'll find SMA's original mission statement.

Now naturally, everyone knows that 2006 was back in the glory days of the self-publishing of "personal weblogs" (aka, blogs), and not being tech-savvy, it took me a couple of years to gain enough courage to give blogging a try. Now it's 16 years later, and SMA remains online and is occasionally updated, however, my tech prowess is little if any better than before! You see, the coding I learned at the start got tossed out the window once 'drop and drag' was introduced, for as a time-saver the new method could not be denied.

A Cosmic Art example: 'Timeless Path' a merit award winner Atlanta Olympics 1996:

Additionally, 1996 was a Jupiter Return year for me and in April 1996, I began full time study of Astrology - although I had purchased my first two Astrology books, age 12, when by progression my 10th house Uranus in late Gemini reached Midheaven, the Goal Point of Aspirations.

As for the founding planets of Secret Moon Art, my creation was and is a Moon-Uranus in creative, mystical Pisces affair, with the Moon-Uranus duo suggesting potentials for excited, ambitious, or restless women, peculiar pursuits, individualism, and/or metaphysical interests (paraphrasing R. Ebertin). This is probably spot on, if I must admit.

Yet other cosmic factors seem to me quite applicable such as the themes of the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which SMA was 'born' - the 8 North which manifested @8Ari35 on March 29, 2006 in my natal 7th house. Unaware of the eclipse themes 'running in the background' of the period in which SMA was conceived, planned, designed, and first published, only later did I discover its implications in relation to SMA's founding and my life-long habit of creating artwork in general, pencil drawing in particular. See if we agree:

8 North Themes: 'inventiveness and flashes of genius are hallmarks of the 8 North series; intuitive leaps, insights, good ideas, visions or vivid dreams; new-found inspiration may cause strain in the personal life for freedom is needed, if only for a few weeks' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Well, no "genius" am I but you can see how "secret" lunar (of the Unconscious) illustrations, done most often on black paper which adds a mystical quality to any effort, might benefit from the themes of a cosmic blink 8 North Solar Eclipse which, in Mars-ruled Aries, can supply enthusiasm and courage. And yes, sometimes 'visions' of scenes do appear in my dreams or on blank sheets of black paper so that all I have to do is grab some colored pencils and get busy!

Jude Cowell: Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces, a practical Earth-Water Blend

Then for art-related placements in my natal chart through which creative talent might be discerned, primary credit goes to a Minor Grand Trine pattern between Sag Venus trine Leo Pluto with creative, flowing, inspirational Neptune in art-loving Libra between and sextiling both! According to Bil Tierney, the sextiling (midpoint) planet "helps facilitate the naturally flowing exchange of the trine, enabling it to attract upon a more conscious level opportunities for the expression of talents in the environment. The individual here is more alerted to the potential alternatives of that trine's creative expression" (Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Tierny #ad).

Well, for alternatives besides drawing (which deepened on black paper when transit Pluto hit natal Venus!), in 2006 and before, I also hand-sewed a collection of ladies' and children's accessories such as beaded make-up bags, purses, drawstring bags, scarves, hats, and felt story books. So apparently, my love of fabrics, plus, college-level art studies kicked in via Fashion Illustration, Lay-Out, and Design courses with costume dressmaking also practiced during that period.

Then when transit Uranus activated natal Venus, electrical and candle-lighted creations were invented and sold such as wire Candle Bowers (inspired by the nests of bower birds!) with beads, vintage jewelry, and mirrors, and Cosmic Light Panels like this:

(Note that the small bright orb is a round glass prism meant to represent Chiron.)

So there it is: a self-summation via cosmic principles involved with the creation of entities such as Jude Cowell Art and Jude Cowell Astrology for anyone who wishes to know! And as always, your on-topic comments and insights are cordially invited! jc

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