Dec 27, 2017

Dream Analysis and Astrology's Age Points

How Important It Is To Know Thyself!

For decades, my friend John Grove has been a psychotherapist, and an astrologer since 1972. It occurs to me that you may want to check out his book Life Passages: When Age Point Aspects and Dreams Collide in which each of the 12 houses of a horoscope equate to 6-year periods of a lifetime for a total of 72 years.

Using the houses of one's natal horoscope to dream analysis adds depth of understanding to important times, themes, even crises of our lives that only the excellent timing device we call 'Astrology' can provide. For we all live within the cycles of the Great Cosmic Clock set in motion at Creation and we know that to everything there is a time and a season for every purpose under Heaven!

Now here's John speaking on the very topic of Age Points and Dream Analysis:

And if you're curious, here's a brief biography of pioneering Swiss astrologer Bruno Huber.

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