Mar 16, 2018

March 2018 New and Full Moons w Mars to Capricorn

Tomorrow, March 17, 2018 (St. Patrick's Day) at 12:40:22 pm edt, transit Mars enters the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn and a shift of energy occurs within the Collective--quite a different energy from the just-ended sojourn of Mars through Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius.

The shift into the more controlled sign of Capricorn where me-first Mars is considered 'exalted' due to an improved ability to make efficient use of Mars' energy and direct or channel it for more fruitful results tends to increase ambition and heighten a sense of reality which these days is a much-needed outcome. The will to achieve may also be heightened along with a zeal for work and concentrated effort. Sober thought and planning will be rewarded where due but cautions include the need to avoid engaging in egoism, defiance, over-estimation of one's abilities or strength, and stubbornness in order to gain the best results. Saturnian traits are emphasized since transit Saturn now plods through it own sign of Capricorn.

On St. Patrick's Day 2018, the energy shift of Mars into Capricorn occurs 1 degree or so after the perfection of a New Moon @26Pis53 and it's a New Moon conjoined in transit by centaur Chiron (the wounded healer) and asteroid Nemesis (the unbeatable foe; divine retribution). And since a New Moon is capable of energizing the Collective in similar fashion to a Solar Eclipse (though perhaps not as influentially or disruptively), a need for spiritual regeneration and an attention to karmic possibilities may be prevalent. Transit Mars squares the New Moon which suggests energy blockages or obstacles strewn along the path, or even spotlighting potential motives which can blind us to our true purposes or block our realistic perceptions.

Yet well-directed efforts make karmic progress possible now even as tr Mars approaches tr Saturn, a conjunction perfecting in early April. The typical advice at a New Moon is to plant new seeds and make plans and these deserve the focus of our most serious intentions for if authentic, our plans will flourish at the Full Moon in Libra on the morning of the very last day of March @10Lib44.

For additional cosmic details, the following are the rounded-up Sabian Symbols of the degrees mentioned in this post including potential obstacles strewn along our paths toward karmic progress:

Mars 1Capricorn = "An Indian Chief Claims Power From the Assembled Tribe"..."Keynote: The power and responsibility implied in any claim for leadership"; this Symbol refers to "the capacity latent in every individual to claim and assume AUTHORITY in a vital group-situation." As a member of the Flower Power Generation, this sounds to me like Power to the People!

New Moon 27Pisces = "A Harvest Moon Illumines a Clear Autumnal Sky"..."Keynote: The light of fulfillment that blesses work well done." This "karmic moment--the seed of the new cyclic manifestation is already latent...CONSUMMATION." Sounds as if someone's plans and intentions have been set in motion at a previous time, perhaps prior to the March 17th New Moon and these may be hidden from view by the secretive, surreptitious, and veiling energies of Neptunian Pisces. Of course, the New Moon may time a stage or phase of a process already in motion.

Full Moon 11Libra = "A Professor Peering Over His Glasses at His Students"..."Keynote: Problems attending the transmission of knowledge in a special cultural setup. This rather peculiar symbol"..."reveals a rather humorous approach to what man's mind can accomplish at this stage." But there's no reason to characterize it sentimentally as "a kind old professor"...for it deals with "professorship...being able to transfer to the young generation the vast sum of knowledge accumulated by the past." This Symbol refers to the "teaching of accumulated collective knowledge" and, "This is what INSTRUCTION means--a process not to be confused with 'education'." This Symbol also mentions strained eyes which always suggests the function of intuition ('3rd eye') and the ability to see things clearly. In this case, teachers and professors of all stripes have to "look above this knowledge" and "see his students simply as human beings."

Perhaps this relates at least in part to our current tragic conditions in, and assaults upon, the US school system, from Mars-infused assailants with weapons and internally from government officials and corporatists determined to privatize our schools for their own selfish profit.

And note that the "problems attending the transmission of knowledge" may be described by the blocking energies of the square from Mars in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, to both the March 17th Pisces New Moon and to the March 31st Full Moon in Libra when Mars and Saturn will be nearly conjunct (7 to 9Capricorn) and thereby forming a very dynamic T-Square with Sun and Moon which suggests potentials for the realization of joint objectives for some, but renunciation and/or separation for others.

Sabian Symbols courtesy of Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala.

Images: drawings, Path to Blue Tree Castle and an incomplete version of a new effort, 11 Planets. Both may be found on one of my art gallery blogs Secret Moon Art as inspired by the Pisces Moon of yours truly!

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