Apr 24, 2018

Astronomers Predict Two Stars Colliding in 2022

Where Will You Be When the Stars Collide?

Astronomers now predict that two stars in the Cygnus constellation will collide and the cosmic spectacle, they say, will be visible to the naked eye in the year 2022 for those who manage to navigate year 2020. Colliding stars will add to another cosmic shift in 2022, a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune on April 12, 2022 @24Pis59, the oceanic sign ruled and co-ruled by expansive Jupiter and nebulous gas giant, Neptune. Astrologically, dreams, visions, secrets, illusions, financial schemes, and creativity are certain to be on the menu in 2022 along with a continuation of fear and paranoia thanks to Neptune floating through its own sign of confused Pisces as this new cycle (like a New Moon) of the 'dream team' Jupiter-Neptune begins another 13-year cycle.

But for sheer shifting power, the year 2020 takes the cosmic cake particularly in the realms of society, culture, and politics so here is a list with degrees of the Great Conjunctions of planets which will perfect in the year 2020:

First, a hard-hitting pair begins the year on January 12, 2020 as Saturn and Pluto meet @22Cap46 (DC Horoscope shown). Their cycle is approximately 33 years in length, they last met in 1982 in airy Libra, and both are considered karmic planets having to do with reaping what was previously sown. This time meeting in pragmatic Earth, those in power (Pluto) and in positions of authority (Saturn) are most susceptible to the combined vibes of harshness which may then (unfortunately) be oppressively enforced upon others. One conjunction will suffice for this pair of heavy weights, thanks, and their squares, opposition/s, and other aspects over the next three decades will bear watching and preparing for especially since heavy, cold Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn tends to be a negative for markets and finances more often than not. Add powerful manipulator Pluto, the saboteur with hidden wealth, and currency issues such as devaluation may be in store especially in relation to oil markets and fossil fuels. Alternate forms of energy will become even more necessary, as it turns out.

Then the plutocratic pair of Jupiter and Pluto conjoin three times in 2020: 1. April 5 @24Cap53; 2. June 30 @24Cap06; 3. November 12 @22Cap52 thus sensitizing the 22--25-degree range of Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Of course, 22-23 Capricorn will already be activated by the January 12, 2020 conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, as noted, and as other planets reach those degrees by conjunction, square, and opposition, many events will unfold within the Collective. Plus, those with personal planets in those degrees or in aspect to them may be in for an eventful if not a bumpy ride. Earth and weather changes are very possible as we've already experienced whether one believes in climate change or not.

Finally on December 21, 2020 is a grand finale--a meet-up between the two societal planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ29, the pair whose expansion vs restriction functions keep all the planets in their courses--cosmically a yin-yang affair, and a checks'n'balances imperative in Politics. Need I say that this degree is that of America's POTUS Sun degree at our January 20th presidential inaugurations every four years? And obviously the significant date marks Winter Solstice 2020. For those who read my Political Astrology ramblings at Stars Over Washington a post will be published concerning Winter Solstice 2020 as soon as events and schedules allow. But for now a word on potentials of the midpoint picture formed by Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: inconstancy; or, an increase in the ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others (Munkasey). Well, that certainly would be a pleasant shift from the current political and social climates, now wouldn't it?

In closing, I must say that no, JCAstro is not actually meant for Politics but for those who can manage a bit more of 'that organized system of hatreds' for the sake of our future cosmic calendar, you may wish to check out another significant cosmic shift of the Solar Eclipse kind--see The Prenatal Solar Eclipse of America's Pluto Return/s, our nation's very first.

After all, forewarned is forearmed!

Above image: Timeless Path a drawing by Jude Cowell (c)1996; oil and watercolor pencil on black paper; a Merit Award winner during the Atlanta 1996 Olympics; for more cosmic and other images you're invited to visit my Secret Moon Art gallery or why not browse my art portfolio 24/7 at Fine Art America.


john grove said...

Isn’t the conj of Jupiter and Saturn called a great conjunction as it occurs by way of a change of signs from earth to air. A new Millenium Age of Aquarius?

Jude Cowell said...

Hi John Yes! A major shift in society from solid Earth to ethereal Air in many areas. The digital economy (Age of Aquarius?) 'on steroids' as they say. Jude