Jul 19, 2019

July 20, 2019: Such a Watery Moon Return!

Friday July 19, 2019 4:07 pm edt Raleigh, NC: Moon as Timing Agent

by Jude Cowell

As some readers may know, in February 2019 yours truly relocated from the Atlanta, Georgia area to historical downtown Raleigh, North Carolina and, for the first time in 40+ years, am ensconced in an apartment. Earlier this week residents received notice that on Saturday July 20, 2019 the building's water will be turned off for some updating work in the basement from 8:00 am ET until possibly as late as 4:00 pm. Yowch! Well, this may put kind of a crimp in our weekend plans!

So naturally when I noticed this afternoon that the Moon is about to enter the Watery sign of Pisces, it was time to calculate my Moon Return for July 2019 which shows daily life and trends for the month until the next Moon Return. Thing is, not only is the Moon in a Water sign now but North Node of the Moon, Venus, Sun, and Mercury Rx are as well--in Cancer, the most Lunar sign of all! Yet for me the real clincher has to be that when the water goes off at 8:00 am tomorrow, my Moon Return (or Lunar Return, if you prefer) perfects two minutes later. Now how's that for lunar timing?!

And what about the (Double Water) cosmic weather of Sun Cancer-Moon Pisces this weekend?

It's an adaptable combination of energies so hopefully I should fare fairly well during the H2O outage, adapting as best I can. A little moody though, and of course fish need water, yet Pisces is quite artistic which might inspire a bout of drawing at my drafting table tomorrow, who knows?

Anyway, as a natal personality blend, Sun Cancer-Moon Pisces is shared by impressionist painter Camille Pisarro (RR: X, untimed), one of my all-time favorite artists (as are other impressionists). Well, naturally my drawings come nowhere near Pisarro's expertise nor that of any other impressionist but even so, here's a lunar one for you that you may have seen before titled, Moon Rise at the Crossroads:

Hope y'all have a great weekend! Jude

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