Jul 27, 2022

Gustave Courbet: Desperate for Freedom

Gustave Courbet, Public domain, The Desperate Man via Wikimedia Commons

Saturn-Pluto and the Father of Realism: Gustave Courbet

by Jude Cowell

As you may have noticed, many of the boundary-breaking paintings of Gustave Courbet can be viewed on his Wikipedia page along with biographical details regarding his life, career, loves, controversies, and scandals. One of my favorites is his self-portrait, shown above.

Imprisoned and held responsible for suggesting the destruction of Napoleon I's Vendome Column, Courbet was assessed more francs than he could possibly pay for the Column's rebuilding, so an installment plan was set up for him once his prison term ended on March 2, 1877 (age 53).

However, on December 31, 1877, the day before the first payment was due, Courbet died of liver disease aggravated by alcoholism at La Tour-de-Peliz, Switzerland (Neptune-Pluto square), age 58. Tragically, this was his final escape toward freedom from all persecution, may he R.I.P.

So astrologically, perhaps we might look to Courbet's quirky Sun-Uranus opposition to explain at least partially his objective (Sun) of gaining freedom and independence (Uranus) - although such compulsions seldom contribute to lasting close relationships. Plus, Uranus in Sagittarius tends to cling to strange ideas and far-reaching plans, rebels against tradition (via his controversial paintings, legal quarrels, marriage), and has a restless desire for adventure (R. Ebertin). In addition, disruptive Uranus leads a BOWL shape of planets suggesting one with a mission but with limited experience in many realms of life. Ideally, the planets in the untenanted half of the chart can be reconciled with those posited within the other half resulting in a more balanced personality.

And for such a task, Courbet's horoscope does show indications of higher consciousness and/or mysticism or occult interests but I'm uncertain that his relatively early age at death gave him enough time for such reconciliation. And it seems that he chose Neptunian alcohol to escape his troubles rather than facing issues with a goal of self-improvement - and with his 10th house Jupiter relating to others via the detached sign of Aquarius - and retrograde at that - being on his own may have been his preferred state for the purposes of his ambition (Capricorn Moon) and art career. However, it's true that Jupiter in Aquarius can profit from a humanitarian bent (ex: his father's largesse made his career possible) but the placement can also indicate a person with a very strong will, and one with a social conscience which can be seen through many of his paintings' subject matters. Naturally, The Stone Breakers comes to mind (with Saturn, ruler of stones, and powerful Pluto involved in transformation).

Meanwhile, creative, receptive Neptune in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius adds an overactive imagination and a potential for self-deception via a lack of discrimination (R.E.). Let's just say that, like many of us, the fellow made some foolish decisions during his life.

And we can see tragedy and misfortune through Pluto conjunct Scheat, the star of extreme misfortune, plus, a wide but apparently strong influence of tragedy and suffering from his Sun-Uranus-Pluto trio. Now on its own, karmic Saturn is the planet of reality and form, but as if "on steroids", Courbet was born under the heavy influences of a stark, compressive, hyper-realistic Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in creative Pisces. Then artful Venus, strong in her own sign of Taurus, added structural and patterning talents to the picture, and an artist was born.

So here you see my notated version of Gustave Corbet's natal horoscope: born June 10, 1819 3:00 pm LMT in Ornans, France (RR: AA for accuracy). To view his unmarked natal chart with aspect grid, visit astro.com.

Please see my study notes penned upon the chart, upper right and top center, and a few notes concerning the only applying aspect made by chart-ruler Venus, lower left corner, with the square between the two money planets revealing how things proceeded in his life: foremost is his masterful artwork, receiving financial support from his father, wastefulness, overindulgent living which led to disease, and tricky legalisms resulting in imprisonment.

Now using the Placidus house system for Courbet's natal horoscope, above, we find a full 12th house of imprisonment populated by the karmic North Node @18Ari29 (bossy when in Mars-ruled Aries!), Mars @00Tau19 (00Taurus = "powerful in combining old principles in new applications": DeVore), Venus @16Tau39 (will be hit by the November 8, 2022 Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus), and his rising Mercury @27Tau04 conjunct fixed star Alcyone (something to cry about). Yes, messenger Mercury rises with a 'sense of form' when in Taurus and suggests Courbet's paintings that reveal social issues of his day, but art-lover Venus rules the chart and the man. And in the greedy, possessive sign of Taurus, beautiful Venus taps into money interests along with a love of luxury and precious gems.

An Arrogant, Self-Centered, Narcissist with an Artistic Sense of Form

Prominent in the 1st house of Self is Courbet's natal Sun (ego; essence; goals) in Mercury-ruled Gemini conjunct two fixed stars, Bellatrix and Capella. Therefore, success via the shadow (see his dark paintings!), plus a love of freedom of movement are cosmically yoked with his solar journey in life. The harsh Saturn-Pluto Conjunction at a critical-crisis 29th degree (11th house of Groups and Associations) with the wounded healer centaur Chiron (also a signature of a blindspot) wedged between them, suggests a cosmic picture of incarceration, victimization, and the persecution that led to his prison sentence. At a restrictive time and place, Courbet strived for freedom of expression through the subjects of his paintings (and some them of massive size, which was also controversial); his relocation to Switzerland was probably an attempt to gain a sense of physical freedom as well.

All in all, Gustave Courbet was a complex man and a brilliant, pioneering artist. The multiple planetary factors found in his intriguing natal chart and psyche that are and are not mentioned here may hopefully inspire you, dear reader, to investigate Courbet and his prolific artwork further! jc

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