Jul 16, 2022

The Mercurial Eclipse of Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kurt_Vonnegut_1972.jpg

Once I watched the Kurt Vonnegut interview on His Life and Career (1983) on YouTube, I became curious about the popular science fiction author's natal planets with an emphasis on his natal Mercury, the writer's planet, plus, I had a quick glance at the Solar Eclipse Saros Series he'd been born into on November 11, 1922 with Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Leo (RR:AA), a blend of fixed energies of a driven workaholic determined to 'be somebody' in the world.

Now as you know, themes of our PEs 'run in the background' of our lives, becoming more prominent approximately every 18.6 years when an eclipse in the same series cyclically repeats, themes, planetary aspects and all. Of course, transiting and progressed planets conjunct and oppose a person's particular eclipse degree at various times in life, thus activating the related eclipse themes for a period of time - a briefer period if by transit, or longer if by progression. Naturally, exceptions are the slower outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, all considered karmic due to the duration of their orbits. Yet we know that all eclipses are Uranian with energies that disrupt earthly events and possibly trigger a change of direction in our lives - in similar fashion to planet Uranus. 'Cosmc blink' and 'wild card of the Universe' are commmonly used descriptions for eclipses.

Now discovering that Kurt Vonnegut as a young man had served in WWII since 1943 and been taken prisoner in 1945 by the Third Reich, the satire in his works, especially that of Slaughterhouse Five which was informed in part by his witnessing the Bombing of Dresden, makes more sense to yours truly for I'd had only a passing familiarity with his novels through school years and beyond, with Cat's Cradle (1963) being the one I remember most favorably. Of interest is that Kurt Vonnegut's natal Ascendant was in practical Virgo (5:49) while his natal Midheaven, the Career and Public Status Point, was in detail-oriented Gemini (1:49).

Meanwhile, Natal Mercury in Scorpio!

As for his natal Mercury, a close conjunction with expansive, knowledge-seeking Jupiter, both @3Scorpio21/33, in his 3rd house of Communications, tells of vast literary talent and reveals Mr. V to be The Philsopher (A. Oken). Plus, Uranus in creative Pisces, the planet of originality and novelty trined the conjunction! Then happily, deep-thinking, sometimes brooding Scorpio is a beneficial sign for the conjunction's placement for it identifies one who can see both the larger and smaller issues at work within humanity, as evidenced in his writings. Compassionate insight and great intellectual capacity are also indicated. And with Mercury in Scorpio, his expressions of skepticism and sarcasm are shown - and increased by the presence of Jupiter. Of course, Scorpio also relates to dark topics such as death (ex: his war experiences), and to sexual matters. He could be quite raunchy, you know!

A Total Prenatal Eclipse in Virgo

Now the reason this post refers to Vonnegut's "Mercurial" Eclipse is that, besides being a prolific writer, his 15 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') manifested @27Virgo24 on September 21, 1922 - in Virgo, one of the two signs ruled by chatty Mercury, the messenger. Of course, Virgo signifies the book author and critic, while Gemini is more of a short story or article writer. Virgo deals in facts, while Gemini prefers to skim surfaces and make it quick. Either way, with both signs Angular and prominent in his natal chart and psyche, Vonnegut also expressed his Virgo and Gemini talents through his work as a journalist early on, then as a professor later in life.

His associations with darker issues are also shown by his solar eclipse having a dynamic T-Square with a violence-prone Mars-Pluto opposition at its base pointing toward an apex Saturn (exalted in Libra). We don't see this pattern in his natal chart, but these planets in T-Square formation suggest a hard-driving, forceful personality, and this must have aided him during his military service (he was awarded a Purple Heart for valor), and later may have provided him the additional energy and determination to succeed in his endeavors, as we know he did.

When in Virgo, a solar eclipse concerns issues such as doing one's duty (ex: WWII service), dedication, and discernment. In an Earth sign such as Virgo, a solar eclipse tends to involve physical demands while Virgo itself suggests a need for an analytical approach to problems (but avoid nitpicking!), and the importance of paying attention to both work and health conditions (R. Lineman). Actually, being born into the 15 North Saros Series isn't so bad! Because its Theme is 'joy through commitment' (B. Brady) with having children being possibly the best example of such joy - so it's no surprise that Mr. V. was a good and loving father to several children!

Kurt Vonnegut November 11, 1922 - April 11, 2007: may he R.I.P.

And so in closing, I must recommend a not-to-be-missed video for those who may never have seen Kurt Vonnegut in orating mode: Kurt Vonnegut Lecture at Case Western Reserve in 2004. Enjoy!


Julie said...

This was wonderful, Jude!

Jude Cowell said...

Thanks a bunch, Julie! Today is Aug 6, 2022. I replied to your kind comment weeks ago but just noticed it hasn't shown up here. Jude